Saturday, December 6, 2008


So Christopher has his first Thanksgiving and of course he won't remember anything, and he didn't even get to eat. We all go to sleep in and Spencer was so happy that he got to get Christopher out of bed, he is usually at school when Christopher wakes up. So we all got ready and headed down to the Spicer's house to visit for a bit before the meal. It was great to visit before my mom had already put up all there Christmas decorations and it was so nice to see all the lights and nativity scenes. We eat our 1st Thanksgiving dinner at about 12:30 then we all sat around and talked while Christopher took a nap with Uncle Mark and the kids and Spencer played the Wii. After we got everything cleaned up we packed up and went to Scott's house for our 2nd Thanksgiving dinner, we eat at about 5:00. After the feast the boys and dads played the Wii some more and the girls put mostly everything away. We had such a great time at both houses and we eat so much food, but it was great. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays!!!

Christopher turned 4 months on the 30th and we went into our pediatricians appointment to had him weighted, measured, and immunized. Christopher is growing so fast I can't believe it. At his check up he weighted 17 lbs 10 oz and was 26 inches long. That puts him the high 80th percentile for all categories. The doctor was really pleased with his growth and said it was our choice if we wanted to add rice cereal and fresh fruits and vegetables to his diet. I think we are going to wait for a little while and see how it goes. He is not upset and only eats 3 times a day, so until he starts acting like he needs more food we are going to wait, probably only a month or so.

We also had P.T. this week and the theropist is really excited about his progression. He has got great range of motion and is holding his head correctly now so he don't have another appointment until right before Christmas. I can't wait for Christmas this year it will be so fun with Christopher even thought he will be to little to remember anything it is still his 1st Christmas. I put all my decorations up, and realized it is a good thing I don't have a lot of Christmas stuff because I don't have much room to decorate.

Til next time.


Spicer Family said...

Kassie your kid is going to pass up A.J. within 3 months the way he is growing, I think A.J. weighs 22-23 pounds is all, yeah I think I would stay away from the other foods also.

Kimberly said...

He is getting so big! Don't let him grow anymore before Christmas.