We recently took Christopher to an eye doctor to have his eyes checked. Christopher's P.T. therapist thought he saw Christopher's eyes dart when were had our last appointment, and thought we should ask our pediatrician about it so we did at his 6 month appointment. He suggested that we see an eye doctor to be safe so we did. We where in the office for like 1 and 1/2 hours, we

were so done by the end of the appointment. The doctor examined Christopher's eyes and everything looks good, his eyes are well developed for his age.
We feed Christopher peas for the first a few days ago and he did not like them at first but ended up eating them just fine.
We will be starting fruit tonight, I think Christopher will really like it. He is happy to eat just about anything right now. He loves all the veggies we have given him so far.
The other night Spencer was playing with Christopher and we actually got him laughing on tape. This is an odd occurrence because usually as soon as we pull out the camera he just stops doing what ever he is doing and watches the camera. I have attached the video, hopefully you can hear him laughing.

Christopher is sitting up on his own now. One day I laid him on his boppy pillow when I came back he was sitting up. I was so surprised to see him sitting. From them on he just understood how to control his balance when he sat. He loves to sit and play with his toys. He still has not mastered crawling but he will lay on his belly and kick his legs so fast, but he has learned how to change directions while on his belly.
We are all doing well. Spencer has spring break next week, it will be nice for him to have a little

break. I am sure he will still be so busy but at least he will not have to worry about school for the week. February was a crazy month, I think that at least one of us was sick the whole month. We just seemed to pass a cold back and forth the whole time, we are finally getting back to normal.
Spencer is trying to teach Christopher to say "Da Da" or "Daddy" it is so cute

every time Spencer starts saying it Christopher just smiles and looks at him trying to figure out how to say it. He was mouthing it the other night but no sound was coming out.
Til next time.
He is so cute! I can't believe how big he is. Congrats on sitting up! We are still working on that one with our boys.
What a cute video of him laughing, and the pea faces are classic. It's fun to see the videos!
I love the video of him eating. Classic baby face to the vegetables. Thank you for sharing. I had a good laugh.
Hello from the Turpins! Christopher is adorable! So fun to see pictures of him.
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